The terms “reanalysis data”, “historical weather data” or “final data” indicate the set of past meteorological parameters reconstructed using the reanalysis method. The historical data provided by the Hypermeteo service are structured in a historical series running from 1990 to the present.
These datasets are mainly used as a basis for working up statistical indices used to assess the meteorological risk for a given territory; this may be done for various purposes such as:
- development of new insurance tools (e.g.: index policies),
- supplying data for risk assessment and premium calculation models;
- managing overlapping insurance policies;
- calibrating yield and vegetative development models;
- tuning hydraulic models;
- estimating the producibility of wind/solar/hydroelectric power plants.
Starting with datasets of the primary variables, a variety of specialised calculations may be provided, such as:
- calculation of the return periods for extreme events (Fig.
- calculation of the frequency with which adverse weather events occur in a specific insurance season or over longer periods (five years, decades, etc.)
- calculation of the probability that thresholds will be exceeded at particular times of year (e.g.: probability of precipitation exceeding 50 mm/day in the summer, probability of late frost). This information may, for example, be used to adjust insurance thresholds.